It’s hot, humid and sticky and the perfect day for lounging around on the day bed. Perhaps a little bit of beach time and some mango time too. Che is proving to be a determined and [...]
In a drawer we found an undeveloped holga film. Always exciting. What did we take pictures of? How long ago did we use it? Holgas are a bit hit-and-miss … you don’t have any control [...]
…at Mama and Grandad’s house. We pulled leaves from the grapevine and splashed water everywhere… …chased chickens and collected their eggs; we picked peas and ate them, [...]
Snapshot taken this afternoon after one-year-old immunisations. He screamed, yes, there were tears, yes and then he clapped his hands and waved goodbye which had the nurse ooohhing and aaahing [...]
Being one of those ethereal types – a wanderer, a dreamer…constantly lifting lifting towards the sky, I find meditation a challenge. My mind is never still, it is never slowing. One [...]
There is a mulberry tree in the same garden…we’re planning a picnic under its branches in January. Today we were happy with these pink blooms and the bright bright sunshine. Happy [...]
My first car – a 1978 Triumph. Total cost: $200. A mint green beauty with a big engine and a big heart. She was so great to drive, purring along – no radio, no air-con…just [...]
Today we were so fortunate to attend the Naming Day of Priya Shanti (in Sanskrit her name means Beloved, Peace). She was welcomed to this world by her parents as they blessed her with the four [...]
Very slowly, room-by-room I have Spring cleaned. I have aired and decluttered each space, packed winter clothes away and organised a council pick-up. I was expecting a lady in a green beret to [...]
Gratitude today for the colour and light of Spring – so vivid, so bright. We love reading Spring is Here … it’s so nice to look at the beautiful pictures and watch the seasons [...]
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