So special. Happy 1st Birthday Baby Boy! Is there anything better than unwrapping presents in bed? Paper and ribbon flying everywhere, so much excitement…perhaps a little overwhelming. How [...]
When I started this blog I thought I would post a few photos every now and then to share with friends and family overseas. Six months on and it has become a little bit more than that. It seems [...]
Oh how we had fun. Little cowboys and indians joyfully running wild and they all came together to celebrate Baby Che’s 1st Birthday. It was warm and windy but so lovely to hang out under [...]
Thankfully we are all on the mend and getting ready for tomorrow’s celebrations. These marshmallow creatures are making an appearance, as is a baby goat named Victor. My little cowboy is [...]
One of those days. One of those weeks. fever miserable snotty nose bad cough unsettled sleep bump on the head not interested in food diagnosed ear infection unbalanced fall down the stairs [...]
Since becoming a mum I have truly learned the meaning of, among many things, patience. Of enjoying the present moment even if it is challenging. One evening, a few months ago, when the [...]
Irrespective of religion, tradition, belief or lifestyle I think this mantra will resonate with you. serve love give purify meditate realise do good be goodthe eightfold path of Swami [...]
Yesterday was a firm reminder of how hot our summers can be. It was sticky and humid and very very warm for September. I spent the day resting and feeding Che – he had a fever and just [...]
Yesterday I got out of bed and wrote a to-do list. It was long. And I was a little disappointed about my lack of spring cleaning…September will be over in 10 days time and there [...]
I gave this card to Daniel on his birthday two years ago. I hadn’t known him long but at that stage we both knew we were going to be together for life. A few months later we conceived Ché [...]
I generally don’t like the wind. It makes me feel irritable and flighty. I usually stay inside with the windows shut. But yesterday Dada wanted to fly his kite so we headed to the local [...]
On this day last year I looked like this: At the time I felt puffy, heavy and slightly fed-up. I was close to 40 weeks pregnant and was happy to spend my time at home – day by day I [...]
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