Today we went walking on our street. It was a bright day and we strolled along enjoying the wind and the sunshine. There were many times I would drive along our street and hope to one day live [...]
8am. Soft wintery sun shining through from outside. Breakfast time. Oats cooking on the stove top. It suddenly occurs to me as I snap away that my little one has become so used to being in front [...]
Every minute so far today has been delightful. This little one is so joyful today. Inquisitive as always. We went shopping this afternoon and an old gentlemen was admiring Che. “He’s [...]
It’s been a while since I’ve been on the other side of the camera. The white sheet was up in preparation for movie watching and Daniel thought it best to utilise the picture perfect [...]
Before Daniel and I became parents we didn’t really understand the co-sleeping thing. How could a parent possibly get any sleep if a wriggling little child, arms outstretched, gently [...]
The little things…like the way Che puts his feet together when lying on his belly – Little Frog is his name today. Love these gingerbreadmen-print leggings to keep his feet warm and [...]
I don’t think I can describe the joy I have when dressing my baby boy in a cardigan knitted by my Mum. She spent every spare moment of the last two weeks knitting this gorgeous piece [...]
This contemplative little creature sat watching the rain for 20 minutes today. I am in awe that an 8-month-old can sit for so long, mesmerised by swaying branches, puddles of water and the drop, [...]
Different shades of orange coloured my day…this rainy winters day. Mandarins from the local farm, vintage linen from the op shop, pumpkin soup for lunch and a cute little munchkin caught in [...]
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