
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: Pixelated glasses and his shirt on backwards (his choice).
Poet: She will only sit in her pram if she’s eating.
I was thinking about my portraits this week and considering what I really wanted to capture throughout the year. Of course I want to photograph their changing, growing faces but I also want to be able to look back and be reminded of stages and quirks. I want to remember the week that I struggled to get Poet to sit in the pram, the week that she walked from the shops to home, a journey that took us well over an hour (it usually takes 20minutes). This portrait of her is representative of a transition – from pram to foot, one more step towards independence.  And Che, on Friday afternoon I asked him if I could take his photograph while he was wearing his new glasses. “Tomorrow morning, ok mum?” And so, on Saturday morning he sat on the chair and we talked as the shutter clicked. It was only when I was editing the photos that I noticed; his pyjama shirt is on backwards. “I like it this way,” he says.
Last week we welcomed a new little person into our neighbourhood…sweet Elke is divine! Over the next few weeks I’ll deliver gifts of homemade meals and sweet treats and in return I’ll get newborn cuddles (nothing quite like them) / Amber captured Harper and Finn in pure autumn, I adore these vibrant portraits / Honor in the dunes – picturesque / Sleeping Beauty and her gold, sparkly crown, I wonder what she’s thinking? / and The Night Bakery captures a still, quiet moment – so very precious.



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  • Emma Bradshaw

    Love Che's glasses Jodi! I really notice his eyes and Poet's this week peeping out from the pram!

  • fritha strickland

    Ha Che's glasses are brilliant! x

    • Emma Bradshaw

      Love the Postman Pat jumper, Fritha! I now have the theme tune in my head ;0)

  • JoKnows

    The glasses are awesome! Lovely portraits. 🙂


  • Reply

    I had a journey like that recently. A school run that usually takes 20 minutes became an hour and a half. Could've got to Paris in that time 😉

  • Lil Muse Lily

    i am a bit envious of Poet's bundling and i agree with you, i too try to pick the picture that represents a stage the most.

  • Lou Archell

    I love the characters that our children slip into. Che with his glasses. Rufus with his hats. It's an expression of personality that I love… and never want it go. x

  • Jane George

    i love those glasses and so wish i was there with you to go visiting! beautiful pictures Jodi, you always inspire me to view things anew xxx

  • Harri Davison

    So cute, lovely photos as per usual 🙂



  • Midnight And Dawn

    I'm in love with those glasses!

  • Max

    so much to look at and it seems she's looking at us. and che just looks hilarious!

  • The F Girl

    Fun glasses! Love this project.

  • Mother Down Under

    Happy Mother's Day to you Jodi…enjoy the day with your gorgeous family.

  • ::The Beetle Shack::

    It's the 3rd block of time in 4 years i've seen you totter down with several fresh home made meals in the weeks following the births of each of my babies.

    last nights carrot muffins- amazing.


    Em xx

  • Kirsty

    I love Poet's eyes staring out so seriously from her pusher and all those pops of bright colour – red and green and rich blue. And those glasses are wonderful!

  • Briseidy

    super cool glasses!
    and that stare, oh my!

  • Stella Rutherford

    Those are mighty fine glasses! Very cute portraits x

  • Greer

    Just gorgeous. x

  • Tui Creek Tales

    I love the light in the second one, it's so representative of autumn, everything is cooler, damper and shadier. Beautiful.

  • Lila Wolff

    Love the glasses so much, Che is growing up with a wonderful sense of whimsy.
    ps. Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers sharing and looking today.

  • Cara Edwards

    Oh my gosh, these are the best kids ever!

  • Vanessa

    Luca wore his cardigan inside out yesterday and managed to zip it up that way – he wouldn't wear it any other way. Socks are always odd socks and sometimes he pulls his shorts and trousers right up to his chest. Don't you love them. x

  • Ruby Hoppen

    We have all been watching Poet growing up very fast these past few months, I think you have captured this really well Jodi! Sometimes on hour-long walks to the shops, I open a mandarin and hold segments out to Casper to "get". It's really funny because he loves the game and runs most of the way home, but I do feel a bit like a weird parent who treats her son like a greyhound…

  • Iliska Dreams

    I love the image of Poet in her pram, especially with the back story. These are the images that will have more dept of meaning in years to come.

  • Amanda

    Che is adorable in his glasses and Poet is such a darling. I too am looking for ways to capture personality traits and memorable moments with my two as I join in with your project x

  • Reply

    So lovely to catch the quirks. These are the things we'll look back on in many years and laugh about. Bijou talks of Che often (a little parcel is coming his way…she found him something at the oppie). Have a lovely week 🙂 xx

  • Sara

    I love the stories behind these two. 🙂

  • Ladies in Navy

    how beautiful!
    kw ladies in navy

  • Megan.K.

    Quirks galore & lovely photos, Jodi.
    Happy Mother's Day xx

  • Sarah

    So privileged to join this journey the week… even though i'm 18 weeks late. Your children are divine. We are having the walk/stroller dilemma these days too, he is just 3 and prefers to walk however he is sometimes overcome by the novelty of the stroller, which tends to wear off quickly leaving me with an empty stroller and a squirmy little boy 🙂

  • Erica

    What a great intention for this project, to capture the things, events, quirks, trends, developments of the week, not just the adorable faces of our little ones! This week was a biggie for my girl – she finally "swam" by herself (okay, with the help of some water wings!) It was a big deal! We were both so proud!

  • look see (naomi)

    Those are seriously the coolest specs ever! 🙂

  • Kym Piez

    Shirts on backwards are essential around here. Yes, I had pram eaters too. Gorgeous photos Jodi. Enjoy those newborn cuddles. x

  • tea with lucy

    backwards shirts. backwards pants. no matter how many times i say 'put the tag at the back…'

    rachel xo

  • Mrs Quince

    we sometimes have mismatched shoes lately… i love how blogs can be modern memory keepers. i feel such relief to know i've kept photos and tried to capture feelings online and try not to notice the stack of empty photo albums. happy mother's day x

  • remaliah

    i've just joined up to this last week, but hoping to continue from now on in. it's such a wonderful way to hold onto these moments that are so fleeting at this young age! thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  • dear olive

    Oh Che! So cool! Kellie xx

  • Reply

    Jodi I really appreciate your reflections on what you want to achieve with your portraits this year. It is something I haven't really considered but I will give it more thought after your prompting.

    Poet's "stage" is a toughie. It's often beyond them to walk the distances required, but in the same light so, so painful to go through the battle of buckling them in the pram when they aren't in the mood!

    I love Che's little t-shirt quirk. Perfect to document.

    Thank you Jodi for linking my photos this week. I was completely shocked to see my name up there. It was really lovely of you. xx

  • Kylie

    Love the glasses and Fidel's bonnet is devine

  • Archie's

    Wow. Che's glasses are surely gonna win him the spot as my favourite from this week! They are AWESOME!

  • Suzie Williams

    Those glasses are very cool indeed! I think capturing their characters as well as the moments that make up their days is part of the wonder of this project. I've been looking back through mine and seeing how my boys are subtly changing over the weeks, sometimes big beaming smiles, other times intense concentration, but strangely no bad tempered faces yet, which is weird because there have been plenty! Makes me realise I'm a bit self-selecting with my shots, I shall have to inject a bit more reality I think and photograph some of the more 'tricky' times!

  • HPMcQ

    Che's glasses are "spec"tacular!

  • flyingjen

    Che's glasses made me laugh as soon as I saw them! Great picture.

  • Nat

    Our weekend has flown by, but I've just added my link, better later than never! I love Che's glasses, and his desire to have his photo taken in the morning. Such cuties you have Jodi. xx

  • Karina

    Such beautiful photos Jodi. I love the colors and the mood of each. I agree that looking back to all the stages and quirks throughout the years is really the best part. I am going to start capturing more of that. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Amber

    Aw! I love that you loved the picture of my little girl. I feel honoured! Thanks Jodi 🙂

  • Rhiannon Ward

    Cooper would just love Che's glasses! And I love Poets shoes, gorgeous! xxx

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