“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: Just. So. Happy in the ocean – clothes ‘n all.
Poet: In amongst the plants she found a bird bath. Oh!
Blonde and blue-eyed – they are looking more alike and I think I captured it here.
My beautiful friend, Claire, started The 52 Project this week with an adorable shot of Eulalie and her first set of piggies / Megpie’s portraits of Eleanor and Felix are soft and sweet / Lola, Pearl and Stella in a palette of ochre, gold and crimson leaves – pretty as a painting / I really like this “near and far” – if you’re looking for new perspective, this is a simple yet inspired idea / and Stella in Sulawesi; she’s not impressed.In last week’s comments Nikki shared a beautiful lesson that she learnt in a photography workshop. “…I still remember the best tip from that class; the teacher told us that great photography comes down to light, lens and love.” I couldn’t agree more – look for intriguing light, a good lens makes all the difference and, lastly, photograph because you love it, capture someone or something that you love.
Poet: In amongst the plants she found a bird bath. Oh!
Blonde and blue-eyed – they are looking more alike and I think I captured it here.
My beautiful friend, Claire, started The 52 Project this week with an adorable shot of Eulalie and her first set of piggies / Megpie’s portraits of Eleanor and Felix are soft and sweet / Lola, Pearl and Stella in a palette of ochre, gold and crimson leaves – pretty as a painting / I really like this “near and far” – if you’re looking for new perspective, this is a simple yet inspired idea / and Stella in Sulawesi; she’s not impressed.In last week’s comments Nikki shared a beautiful lesson that she learnt in a photography workshop. “…I still remember the best tip from that class; the teacher told us that great photography comes down to light, lens and love.” I couldn’t agree more – look for intriguing light, a good lens makes all the difference and, lastly, photograph because you love it, capture someone or something that you love.
Kate also shared an idea to ensure everyone doing The 52 Project receives comments each week. “Each week when I leave my link I go and look at and comment on the two links before mine. Of course I look at more if I can but you know how it is, there’s not always time for comments. Every blogger knows how lovely it is to receive comments, so that is my way of making sure I spread some around each week.” Feel free to take up her suggestion, if you like.
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Such beautiful and perfect shots of your two little ones. This one of poet has to be my absolute favorite, love how you are looking in through the leaves! Thank you for sharing Nikki's photography tip, I couldn't agree more with it!
your kids have me itching for some steady warmer weather here in the states! i gotta say, my favorite thing about this 52 project is now having so many wonderful new posts to read on a saturday as my girl naps. usually my reader is all empty and lonely until monday 🙂
How Che and Poet resemble each other in these pictures! So lovely!
Jodi your shots this week are so beautiful. your right they do look so alike and yes you did capture it! I love the idea of light lens and love,,,you hit the mark this week on all 3! the light is fabulous in your pics, the light against dark against light again, you inspire me x x
I love the composition of both shots, Jodi!
They are both so beautiful.
Ronnie xo
i somehow didn't realise how super-fair poet's hair is until this photo! such beautiful blonde and oh-SO-siblings. your autumn looks to be starting off nice and glowy…hooray for lovely weather xx
lovely photos this week Jodi. and I love Nikki's quote from her photography class. quite true. and I love the blog love that happens through this project. it is ever so lovely to stop in and say hello to someone new each week as well as revisit old favorites.
brava for creating this circle of community & hope. xxoo
Darling littles. Does it get terribly cold where you live? I know I've seen your posts where you're all in sweaters and other woolen things, but I was wondering if it ever got so chilly you couldn't really enjoy the outdoors?
My best,
Jo Farmer
It does get cold, but it never gets to the point where it's too cold to go outside. In mid-winter our sunny days can easily top 20degrees C. Let's just say it's never snowed here! x
PS. The ocean is still a really balmy 24degreesC – perfect for splashing in x
Your winters sound like perfection. Absolutely!
Light, lens, love – perfect. Couldn't have said it any better! Loving the ideas about comments to, will definitely be making an effort to seek out some lovely new blogs I haven't seen yet, there are always so many inspiring photos each week! PS- loving Poet's face finding that hidden bird bath. Too precious x
I've never seen ports hair look so blonde. I love how happy and content Ches face looks, so at peace at the seaside 🙂
Poet's … Sorry
Beautiful, always so much love in your photographs Jodi. xo
I like this idea! I'm trying hard to visit as many blogs and leave as many comments as I can.
I find that I am having a hard time picking my favourite each week, there are so many beautiful portraits and I really think that everyone's photography is improving so much.
I love everything about that photo of Che- the sunlight on the water, his cheeky grin, the waves crashing behind him. And just look at Poet's excitement! x
What a wonderful idea from Kate, I always try to visit at least ten other blogs but I always seem to get lost in the world of a new blog I discover. I don't think I have thanked you yet Jodi… Not only has 52 project done wonders for the way I look through my camera but I have absolutely loved meeting so many talented bloggers from all around the world and I really feel part of this wonderful community you have created.
I love the look of wonder and intrigue on Poet's face and how happy and calm Che looks in the sea there, he really looks so serene and peaceful with nature.
Little Poet's face! The joy is beautiful.
Two peas in a pod your little ones are. Beautiful! Hope your Sunday is slow and lazy 🙂 xx
Lovely, as always!
Oh my the excitement on Poet's face is so sweet. They are looking so alike in these photos and Poet's hair has become so blonde. Have a wonderful Sunday. x
both your children captured with delight and joy on their faces, totally adorable x
Such wonderment caught in an image! love Poets delighted expression and oh, those beads…such a lady! Wishing you a splendid Sunday xx
Beautiful photos.
Good advice indeed, re photography. I certainly DO love taking pictures, especially pictures of my girl. AND, today is a very exciting day for me: NEW LENS DAY!! bam bam pow!
I also super appreciate people who click through on these links and leave comments. They make my day! I try to comment on at least 5 blogs.
Also, big big thanks for featuring one of my images! Yay!!!
Oh thanks Jodi for the link xx I am happy that my Light Lens Love comment resonated with you and now with your readers. I don't take part in the 52 project online but you have inspired me to take more considered portraits of my boys to keep. I do love following along and seeing all these beautiful children and feeling the love their mamas have for them coming right off their photos. Thanks again. xx
every trip we take to the beach my children run straight to the warm ocean water, clothes and all, and dive right in.
i love the rule of "L's" from Nikki. What great advice!
Beautiful pictures as always, you are so inspiring! I can't keep my little ones still for long enough. That water must be getting chilling but kids love it, my daughter would get in no worries any time of the year. Beach babes at heart.
So many beautiful, beautiful photos here Jodi.
Linking in for the first time 🙂
You're right, the fair hair and joyful expressions cement these two as obvious siblings here! X
Lovely pictures with great compositions.
From your portraits, always so full of truth, I can tell your kids are are so similar but also so different at the same time : it seems to me they're both thoughtful, calm, easy and perhaps a little bit shy , but he seems to be more romantic and quiet, whereas Poet seems more mischiveous, I can tell from the way she looks and smiles…
almost spot on. Che is incredibly social – will talk to anyone but yes, he's quite romantic. Poet is mischievous and whilst she's loud at home, she's quite reserved when we're out and about x
It's so funny and fascinating seeing how just different our kids can be: I can tell from my little three girls, too…Nice to mete you jody , your elegant writing and evocative pics always inspire me, from Australia to ….Italy
Such happy expressions! A sibling link and a water link – love it!
the water link hadn't even registered! Thanks for pointing it out x
Oh, the ocean, so lovely.
Love your photographing suggestions this week. It's all true. I love the morning and late afternoon light and just love taking photos! Of course, I have a long way to go, but am enjoying the journey. While I agree that your two look alike, they have a very strong resemblance to you. It must be those beautiful defined features! Have a wonderful week. x
Gorgeous portraits yet again Jodi – I love the look of joy on both their little faces 🙂
Aren't they beautiful! My portraits this week are at the beach – a rare trip for us, and I thought of you and your waterbabies while we were there! x
What great facial expressions!! Kate's idea is a great one – commenting on the 2 before mine now!
Am finding the baby much easier to photograph than his older brothers, I have been looking through the contributors list for inspiration from those with older children this week, Emma x
Soo cute 🙂
what a beautiful blog. i will endeavour to join in your linky but not sure i can i match your wonderful images x
Love the expression on Poet's face! Discovery, surprise, wonder, she's so cute. They're both beautiful children!
Love the "stolen moment" feel of the photo of poet… precious
i've been noticing also how so very alike your 2 are looking.
despite such different hair colors i am seeing much resemblance between my boys.
it melts met to sense that their relationship will grow like only a siblings can.
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