
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Poet: she’s been pushing buttons. Lots of buttons.
Percy: everyone says he looks like me but at times, I see so much of Daniel in his sweet face.


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  • Kathy

    I think he looks like Poet…even from the first few days…beautiful baby…

  • Kathy

    I think he looks like Poet…even from the first few days…beautiful baby…

  • lili nfolks

    So precious…as always!

  • Tin of tea

    Oh these looks!

  • Carie

    I think he looks like Poet too – and bless her, it's hard adjusting to being the big sister isn't it, and she's just the right ages to have worked out what buttons to push!

  • Elizabeth

    Still think "wow" when I see your pictures Jodi. And this sweet boy does look a lot like his siblings…and his Mummy. Poet will have a fine old time with him when he starts to play!

  • Christie R

    I really do think he looks like Poet. And Poet looks like you, so…. 🙂

  • Erica

    do you think little percy looks like poet? (being more familiar with her little face, that's what i see.)
    we went through a big adjustment phase, lots of pushing limits, testing boundaries, expressions of big feelings that were a result of adding another baby. but they showed up here when my son began to be mobile. i started reading janet landury's blog called Elevating Childcare, and man. a total revolution. (i kind of hate to dish out unsolicited parenting advice, but it was so incredibly life changing for us, that i'm like basically an annoying evangelist, sorry!)

  • Sam Stone

    What a gorgeous little man…and lady.

  • Mother Down Under

    Ahh yes, the button pushing. Is it too much to say that I was thrilled that C was back to school today? To be fair, I think he was thrilled too. We needed a break from each other!

  • Aby Moore

    Gorgeous pictures x

  • TOI

    He has the most expressive blue eyes for such young age. He is so cute, looks a lot like you (your kids have your lips) 🙂

  • Rosie Shelton

    Aw, beautiful pics 🙂

  • mackenzieglanville

    Your new little son is divine, beautiful images #52

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