
“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013.”
Che: …in the morning light.
Poet: …in the afternoon light.
An autumn light diptych complete with blue and white stripes, one of my favourites from The 52 Project this year.
This week I loved the composition in these three portraits / I kept returning to Serendipity in Chaos’ post – so much pretty in her photos / I think this shot of Amelie is destined for a frame on a wall / Dash, Nona and confetti – colourful, whimsical perfection / and a joyous cuddle (I can hear the giggles!).
Thank you so much for all your “get better soon” wishes. I’m on the mend now, taking it slowly and very much looking forward to two whole weeks of school holidays. Our plans? Lazy pyjama mornings, beach walks, a few movie sessions and a whole lot of not-much-at-all.


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  • Lil Muse Lily

    both in lovely light. Che is looking so grown up these days…

  • Jennifer

    What beautiful photo's, love the light in both of them! So glad your feeling better too!

  • Reply

    These are really special.

    Your school holiday plans sound perfect; I'm envious.

  • kelly

    oh the light! such a beautiful pairing.
    really lovely to see that glow of the change in season around your precious ones. x

  • Pink Ronnie

    Stunning light you have captured, Jodi!
    Ronnie xo

  • Erika

    Che looks so mature in this picture! You can imagine him as a man… bittersweet:)

  • tinajo

    Beautiful portraits, and I´m glad you´re better!


  • Lou Archell

    Always such warm light, a glow. Is that the Australian sun? Wish we could have some of it. x

  • Nell

    Love their wild hair. xx

  • Jess

    Love that look on Che's face. So full of hope and wonder.

  • Reply

    What camera do you use Jodi? You're probably sick of answering that question.

    • Jodi

      I do answer this questions quite a lot, yes. I shoot with a Panasonic GF1 with a 20mm 1.7 lens – all up it cost about $500 and it's a tiny, light, very practical little camera. I LOVE it! However, I'm working my way towards an upgrade (Canon 5D Mk111) – it will change the way I shoot though; simply because of the weight and size of it x

  • Mother Down Under

    A beautiful pair of portraits.
    Gosh Che is such a handsome boy.

    Enjoy doing not much at all!

  • Greer

    Che's hair! Gorgeous x

    • Greer

      By the way, Jodi, I'm not sure if you got my email. I have habit of disappearing into people's junk mail folders… x

  • Tui Creek Tales

    Beautiful photos, I love the look on Che's face. Enjoy the school holidays 🙂

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    Both so very beautiful! And yay to feeling better….double yay to school holidays. Enjoy lovely lady x

  • little sleep

    Absolutely love these. That light?! Incredible x

  • jody

    Beautiful light Jodi. Glad you're on the mend. xo

  • Reply

    I think these are some of my favourites too. Peaceful light. Your school holiday plans sound brilliant.x

  • Katrina@capturingmomentss

    Enjoy the holidays Jodi. Beautiful portraits as always. Xx

  • Iliska Dreams

    Did Che all of a sudden grow up? Looking so much older in this image. Glad to hear you are on the mend.

  • Jane Hallisey

    Oh the light in these is stunning . Just lovely! xx

  • jasmine

    Poet looks charming in her stripes and bows! So glad she's feeling better. 🙂 And Che! Such a handsome boy!! And looking so grown up too! These are lovely.

  • Catherine

    The light is beautiful in both of them, I do love Poet's sweet little outfit. Glad to hear you are feeling better now. Have a wonderful school holiday. x

  • AirstreamFamily.com.au

    I love the morning light shot. Oh how I miss Sydney's light! Beautiful photos x

  • one claire day

    Love Ches soft gaze and crinkled lips (an almost smile!) x
    I've finally made the 52 commitment ! X

  • dear olive

    Che looks so different here – a little boy all grown up! Kellie xx

  • Nikki Fisher

    I did a portrait photography class many years ago and I still remember the best tip from that class, the teacher told us great photography comes down to 'Light. Lens. Love' your portraits today say that to me. Isn't Autumn light just beautiful?! (as are Che and Poet 🙂 x

  • jo

    Such beautiful light in both photos, I love Che's shaggy hair and Poet's cardi is gorgeous. Glad you are feeling better, I must email you… today! x

  • Victoria

    When did he get so big??
    Poet always stylish as ever.

  • Mandy Ferry

    your photos are always so inspiring. just gorgeous.

  • Sara

    Beach walks and pjs sounds like a wonderful idea, glad you are on the mend. The way you capture light is so inspiring and beautiful, as are your children. Thank you again for creating this project and connecting so many of us through photography.

  • esther.

    Che is looking so grown up!

  • little earth stories

    Stunning portraits. And Che is looking so grown up!

  • Em

    I love love love their golden tresses. x

  • Brenda @ Mira Narnie

    oh they are adorable images of your babes Jodi! The light on their faces and hair is wonderful! wishing you a magical week xx

  • look see (naomi)

    Love the light and love the stripes 🙂

  • tea with lucy

    magic light and che che looking so handsome!

    rachel xo

  • Reply

    what a clever idea for a little series – love the idea of morning and afternoon light and of course stripes for both 🙂 the light is just so very Autumnal! simply stunning.

    btw just wanted to share something I have been doing – each week when I leave my link, I go and check out and comment on the 2 posted just before mine (so this week I will get to check out Rachel @ tea w lucy and Dee*construction). Of course I look at more if I can but you know how it is, not always time for comments! All us bloggers know how lovely it is to get comments, so that is just my way of making sure I spread some around each week. It's what my group did for our Project 365 last year and it was such a nice way to keep the encouragement and motivation up! (plus then no-one misses out). Anyway, just wanted to share that… in case anyone else wanted to also join in 🙂


    • Preeti Dubey

      I like this idea. You are right, we visit such wonderful blogs and browse through many beautiful pictures, but its very difficult to leave comment on each and every page. But writing to atleast two would definitely be encouraging and more involving.
      And i would like to take this opportunity to praise and compliment Jodi for her time & efforts in going through such huge number of pages and pictures, and deciding on beautiful heart-touching 5s. This is really incredible.
      Have a lovely sunday Ladies! 🙂

    • Katrina@capturingmomentss

      Count me in, lovely idea Kate, and it did work so well last year. X

    • flyingjen

      fabulous idea! Thanks for posting.

    • Jodi

      Kate, I think your idea is a lovely one. I'll mention it in next week's post x

  • dear molly

    Am loving that playful look on Che's face and that bow! Oh my!

  • Serendips

    Oh Jodi. Thank you so very much for popping over and having a look. It means a great deal that you looked, because your photos are just consistently wonderful week after week. ♥

  • Sophie Allen

    Gorgeous light, and composition. Each week I look at every linked up photo, and I see such amazing photos, it really is inspiring. I know that it has made me a better photographer, as I am sure it has for many others.

  • Laura

    Perfect light!

  • Kate

    Oh Jodi, that light! Wow.
    I'm a portrait virgin but better week 15 than never hey.

  • Mammasaurus

    I really love the light in these photos JOdi – really lovely photos as ever x

  • Josie

    Thank you for linking to my photo of Amelie! Now my aim is to try and capture beautiful light like these 🙂 x

  • Amber {we stood together}

    Love the little theme you created this week. Clever and beautiful. x

  • Sarah Raaen

    Oh, the light! Beautiful.

    Sar xx

  • Vanessa

    I'm breaking the 'rules' slightly this week Jodi and have introduced my own little project within the 52 Project. Only every now and again though when it feels right. I've been thinking a lot lately about how we don't have enough family pics, and I don't mean our entire family; I mean just Luca and I or Kian and I. I don't want to put more pressure on myself so I thought I'd include something like this within a week's portraits. I'm feeling a huge sense of relief already! P.S. Love the look on Che's face and Poet's beautiful cardigan. x

    • Jodi

      There are no 'rules' Vanessa..so you're not breaking any! Your idea is an inspired one, looking forward to seeing more posts just like it x

  • flyingjen

    Gorgeous pictures this week. Well, every week, but I love these two!

  • Jane George

    just fabulous, the facial expression in the top one and that light! i love sun spots like magic on pictures and then i clicked on the links to see your favourites and squealed when i realised it was a link to me!! thank you xxx

  • Luckybeans

    Oh my. These are beautiful with a special magic all their own. My favourites so far, and that is truly something, given how much I love so many of your portraits.

  • Z

    Great photos! Lovely childrens!

  • sascedar

    beautiful loveliness Jodi. sun flares make me happy. enjoy your first school holidays- no lunchboxes to pack is fantastic 😉 sarah

  • Kim H

    Yah! A huge congratulations to you, Jodi for making it into the Top 100 for Voices. You sooo deserve it with your gorgy blog. All the very, very best to you on the Voices journey. Enjoy:) xx

  • Fugas Prism

    Thanks so much for linking my blog this week, Jodi! I was so surprised! The portraits from that week were some of my favorites in the project thus far:)

  • mel @ loved handmade

    That picture of Che is beautiful, your little man is looking quite grown up here. So pleased you are feeling better, our holidays have just come to an end and I miss our all day jammie days already! x

  • Erica

    Lovely as always. Che's expression is so precious.

  • Miriam

    first time joining in. I so love what you have inspired x

  • OANA

    You always capture the sweetest moments of you two cuties!
    Thank you for linking to my pic! xoxo

  • Yellow Finch

    sounds like a lovely school break!

  • Rachel Beemster

    I was feeding Juno on the couch and this post was on my computer screen. The photo of Che looked like an oil painting from a distance. You captured the light beautifully. I'm still working on capturing light, it's quite tricky.

  • Kate

    Both of them, just growing up right before our eyes… it really is amazing when you start to notice the little differences as the weeks go by. I am so thankful for this project x

  • Emre Bartın

    verry nice :)))

  • Locksmith Bellevue

    So cute both .
    Bellevue Locksmith

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