
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Poet: day old pigtails and her favourite dress, looking very Anne of Green Gables as she picks clover in the garden.
Percy: the post-sleep-in-the-sling stretch; one of my very favourite things about newborns (wearing a handprinted onesie from windward made and hand-me-down pants from his big brother) 
Next week I plan to get back into some sort of blogging groove, hence this post is, once again, succinct.


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  • Vicky Charles

    Gorgeous photos as always! I love how he's just about to do a massive stretch!

  • ne-ne land

    So beautiful!!! I love the post sling stretch 🙂 Miss the days when my little one napped in her sling!

  • mackenzieglanville

    Love her dress, very cute pics

  • Kirsty

    That stretch is just the most beautiful! O newborns… most magical beings in the world.

  • jandi


  • MrsW

    Oh Poet looks too sweet for words! And Percy – are they the feet of his pants hanging empty out of the wrap? Heehee, it's so funny when their feet disappear up in to their pants like that.

  • Mother Down Under

    So sweet!
    Percy is making my girl seem so big! And he is making me want a newborn again!

  • Erica

    I love the tones in your images here, Jodi. And blogging groove? Are you kidding me? I don't think I've gotten back into a blogging grove and my baby is 14 months old! 😉 You are already amazing me with how quickly you're back and running! Really, an inspiration. xx

  • Veggie Mama

    Oh I love those crispy bits of newborn skin 🙂

  • Victoria

    such beautiful photos.

  • Aby Moore

    Gorgeous pictures x

  • Rachael

    Oh that baby! Bliss.

  • snowingindoors

    Beautiful photos, my son used to stretch exactly like that when we unswaddled him, he could make his extravagant stretches last for 10 minutes or more, compete with 'Elvis lips'. I really do miss that age.

  • sara

    I adore that dress! Such a sweet shot.

  • Marian Hazel

    Loved Anne of Green Gables as a girl, can't wait to introduce the girls to her at some stage. Poet has suddenly grown up! Oh and Percy- loved the way newbies sleep.

  • Kylie Purtell

    I love those divine stretches too, they look so satisfying!

  • Kelsi Tapper

    Poet's favorite dress is too precious! I would love to get one for my niece, where did you find it?

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