
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Poet: dancing, again. There’s no denying that she’s been a bit sad about my attention being elsewhere. Her patience, however, has been astounding. I’m making more of an effort to carve out one-on-one time with her every day.

Percy: sweet, sweet little boy. This is one of his favourite (and most productive) burping positions.

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  • Kirsty

    Beautiful portraits. I love have Percy seems to look straight at the viewer – via the mirror!
    It's so hard for little ones to get used to a new baby, my little girl found it very hard to go from being the centre of the world to sharing the time, even though she loves her little sister so much. It's always a balancing act!

  • Kathy

    Beautiful B&W portraits. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • MrsW

    It sounds like Poet has the nature to adjust, your one-on-one time will be so nice for her. Percy looks like he knows exactly what's going on in this photo!

  • Mary Kathleen Morelli

    Your children are absolutely gorgeous- you always manage to capture the most beautiful shots of them! I'm happy that Poet is adapting well to her new sibling- I feel like you see your children grow up so quickly when overnight when they begin the older sibling! Beautiful but a little scary. I hope this weekend is treating you well so far!

    xo Mary
    Mostly Salty Blog

  • mackenzieglanville

    He is so precious! I just love your photography, your images just transcend this world

  • Carie

    Aww Percy is just such a little sweetie and I'm glad Poet is doing so well – it's a pretty big upheaval from her point of view but it will become the new normal for everyone before you even realise!

  • Vicki Doak

    I love the moody background of Poets portrait. Perhaps it suits where she is at right now adjusting to life with a new sibling x

  • Tin of tea

    Oh they are pretty, that cuddled baby must be so sweet!

  • jenny

    poet may be one of the most perfect names i have ever heard… never would have thought of it.

  • Jessica G.

    These black and white's are simply stunning. Poet's lips pop out in the most beautiful way. And I love that Percy seems to be staring right at you.

  • Kelly Donald-Pattullo

    Beautiful portraits, it must be a huge change for Poet but she seems to be doing amazingly. You must share your secrets when we try for baby number 2 xx

  • Happy Bandits

    Look at the size of the camera!! Haha! To the question "how big is Percy" you should answer something like "probably a couple camera big" ! Love these.

  • Aby Moore

    Beautiful pictures x

  • barbara

    Beautiful!! Seems that Poet is sending you a kiss, in the picture below…

  • FourCalders

    Gorgeous photos. I see quite a bit of Poet in that little boys face. 🙂

  • Imogen Eve

    Beautiful x

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