
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2015.”
Poet: sometimes being a big sister is exhausting, especially when you have to wait your turn.
Percy: his jaundice is fading, his awareness is growing and he gained an impressive 190g in one week. 


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  • jandi

    oh my goodness! those eyes! x

  • Carie

    Aww lovely Poet, it can be tough being the big sister but it's worth it in the end! And we'll done Percy on such a great weight gain!

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    An adjustment for all, sweet little Poet, so big and so little all at once. And Percy, look at you! So alert and ready to take on this world! xx

  • Kirsty

    It is hard being a big sister. And o Percy looks so alert!

  • Erica

    fantastic! percy is packing on those…grams. 😉 it's such a wonderful treat to get this nostalgic glimpse back into newbornhood.

  • Kylie Purtell

    Oh my goodness, he is just so gorgeous!

  • mackenzieglanville

    It can be hard on little ones at first, they will love each other and bond more and more. Although my son can sometimes drive his sisters crazy they are so close. It is beautiful capturing such special and raw moments 12/52

  • Kathy

    Jodi, congratulations on delivering that beautiful baby….OMG…and looks so alert. I love the photo of Poet too because lets face it, this is real life….adorable. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • Bron

    It is so lovely that you have a new little one to photograph weekly now too…..he is divine. xx

  • sophieis.com

    This pair of photographs just captures so perfectly the wonder and upheaval of welcoming a new life into the world. That second image is just gorgeous x

  • Vicky Charles

    What gorgeous photos.

  • Brandi


  • tinajo

    Such a sweet photo! 🙂


  • Natalie Britton

    What sweet photos 🙂 Such beautiful captures with such real emotions!

    Circus & Bloom

  • Appleshoe

    Beautiful photos. Sometimes sharing mommy can be hard, but I'm sure having a sibling is worth it for her :)Be well.

  • Mother Down Under

    Why does the newborn phase have to go by so quickly?
    These photos are making me want another one!

  • Jessica G.

    I love that Percy is looking up at one of his siblings. Swoon!

  • Aby Moore

    Gorgeous pictures, thanks for hosting x

  • Cassandra Michelin

    Just gorgeous! Well done mumma!

  • Samantha Cabrera

    Sending warm hugs your way during this time of adjustment. Both so sweet and small. xo

  • Bella Mills

    Oh Jodi, he is divine. Congratulations again on Percy's arrival, I feel so much warmth and happiness through your photographs. xx

  • Mallorie Cooper

    Week after week I am so inspired looking at your beautiful images, encouraged to continue to take my own of these fleeting moments. I look forward to 52 every week on your page and to share on my own. Thank you for doing this!

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