
“A portrait of my youngest children, once a week, every week, in 2016.”
Poet: a few inches of hair cut off and she all of a sudden she looks a lot older (ISO320, f2.5, 1/320)
Percy: a little apprehensive when everyone started arriving at his party (ISO100, f2.8, 1/320)



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  • Erin

    Poet gets more beautiful by the day x

    Erin | beingerin.com

  • Kathy

    Such beautiful photos…I can't believe Percy is turning 1….how time flies…Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  • Mother Down Under

    Happy birthday to Percy! I found that this time around, that first year just flew by…I find myself holding Lyddie more tightly and for longer because I know the years will continue to fly.

  • barbara

    Happy Birthday Percy! This portrait of Poet is so beautiful!

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