
“A portrait of my daughter, once a week. every week, in 2014.”

Poet: doing her best at being angry. “Look at me mum, I so angry. You take picture. Oh-K?”
She’s started to show a genuine interest in being photographed but usually runs out of the frame and exclaims “I see! I see!” before I’ve even taken the photograph. But then somedays she’ll flat out refuse to have her photo taken and will turn her head with the utmost attitude and simply say “No”.
For a nice change we got our photo taken together this week (thanks, Luisa!). I’ll share some shots soon.
For those of you who may have missed my post earlier this week, I’d love to introduce you to my newest collaboration: Wholehearted. Pop over there to see what it’s all about (it’s had a great response!). If you would like to be featured in our weekly collective – a selection of user-submitted images – simply add #wholeheartedjournal to your photos on instagram. What photos? Any image that captures “motherhood”- the joy, exhaustion, delight, growth, challenge and love.
This week I discovered some new blogs via your links – such a treat. Clearly Fox in Socks is quite intriguing to sweet little Rowan / Kelli captures mood so well (baby feet, too) / I adore this portrait of a family and the landscape – because isn’t our environment such a big part of our lives / Bijou and Remy – happy and sad – both beauties / and finally, Stella and Theo – their mama always takes the most authentic, intimate photos. Love.



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  • Lil Muse Lily

    that is one seriously cute angry face 🙂

  • bestof2sisters.com

    Her little pretend angry face – ahh, just the best! 🙂

  • Simple-Savvy

    that face is priceless!

  • ne-ne land

    Oh my goodness!! That face 🙂 It must be so fun when they get to the age of pretend play!

  • Mother Down Under

    Ha ha…if my little guy is aware that I am taking photos, he always wants to see too! His favourite is to take video selfies and watch them repeatedly!

  • Katrina@capturingmoments

    Ha ha how do you keep a straight face with her and all that personality?!

  • mel @ loved handmade

    she's such a character x

  • Steph @ this brown wren

    She's a beautiful soul! And yes, taking piccies of them is certainly getting harder. I feel a bit like the paparazzi stalking them some days! Thanks for the link lovely friend and hope all is happy and calm on your world xxx

  • Lou

    I love her little scrunched up nose! Isn't it fun when they actually *want* their photo taken…

  • Kate

    Ha! Amazing! Yes, the scrunched up nose is my favorite : )

  • erica wilson

    The dress. The face. The curled up sweet little hands ♥

  • babbleoncity

    It's her balled up little fists that I love :o)x
    xx Jo @ BabbleOn City xx

  • Cassandra Michelin

    She is amazing! So cute!

  • Kym Piez

    Oh so cute! x

  • Paulsen Mommy

    Her fists clenched up, oh that's too cute!

  • Lou

    Very cute, what a little character!

  • Lyn Collett

    I love it – so funny when they announce things like that. My daughter can often be heard proclaiming loudly in the library "Mummy, I'm a bit shy today!", while hiding in my coat and then running around seeming anything but.

  • Dre @ no frills mum

    What a gorgeous and fun little soul, so dramatic! So lovely you got photographs taken of the two of you, us Mums aren't photographed enough with our kidlets x

  • Reply

    So adorable. Miss 9 still isn't used to having her picture taken, so moments like this that you have with Poet are somethign that I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing just yet 🙂

  • Anne Hill

    haha oh that grumpy face is the cutest!

  • Lori Taylor Arnold

    Love the nose wrinkle, F has a fantastic scrunch up face. In fact I might try and capture that for next week! x

  • Aby Moore

    She has such a cute angry face x


  • Calimmity Jo

    Such a little character. I have a little one who jumps out of frame to "see" the photo too. Jo xx

  • mascaraandmud

    she's adorable angry or happy!

  • Kelli Seeley

    Oh thank you so much for linking to me!!! This has been such a fun linkup and I have loved discovering your blog and love your photography 🙂 xoxo

  • hellomistermagpie.com

    Her angry face is just so lovely! Reminds me of how my daughter was at the same age! laura x

  • Sam Stone

    I love her angry face!!

  • Jennifer Harr

    oh how i love crinkled noses! …and love the whole hearted project

  • A little bit country

    Thank you so much for the link Jodi, chuffed xo

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