taking stock in spring
It’s been a long while since I took stock. Surprisingly, this little thinking/writing exercise helps to ground me. And I need a little of that right now. Spring busyness has me all a whirr and I’m not quite ready for the countless end-of-year activities that are fast approaching. So here’s what I’m…
Making : plans. Big ones. Exciting ones!
Cooking : tuna pasta. Because it’s Thursday and I had all the ingredients and saved myself a trip to the shops.
Drinking : mineral water and lemon.
Reading: Lab Girl and Better Than Before.
Trawling: op-shops and looking for t-shirts to wear with skirts (my go-to spring breastfeeding outfit).
Wanting: to sleep without being woken by a certain teething toddler.
Looking: at all the lovely tops and dresses in this spring clean sale.
Deciding: on what decision to make first.
Wishing: for a full night’s sleep. Unlikely, I know.
Enjoying: regular coffee catch-ups with friends.
Waiting: on Marigold’s personalised Christmas star (you can still order here and they make beautiful gifts).
Liking: pilates (my core is grateful).
Wondering: if I’ll ever get to the bottom of the washing pile.
Loving: being a mum. I don’t think I’ve ever been as content in my role as I am right now.
Pondering: what we’ll do on the weekend.
Listening: to children squabble. The witching hours are so loud.
Considering: going to the library tomorrow morning.
Buying: beeswax candles because a quiet house, darkness and flickering beeswax is the perfect way to wind down.
Watching: the Jacaranda tree. It will bloom any day now.
Hoping: to go to bed early tonight. Those hours before midnight really do make for better sleep.
Marvelling: at the sheer amount of washing I do.
Cringing: at the state of the pantry – I need to clean and sort and cook with the excess that currently sits on the shelves.
Needing: to photograph the next collection of pre-loved clothes that I’ll be selling on @simplicitymarket.
Smelling: Marigold because her newborn scent is still sweet and strong.
Wearing: milk-stained everything.
Noticing: that the mornings are so much warmer; no need for socks and slippers.
Knowing: I feel better when I don’t eat so much bread.
Trouble-shooting: nothing, I hand those job to Daniel.
Thinking: about menu planning and adding a few more vegetarian recipes onto the list.
Admiring: this t-shirt for our Almighty Girls.
Bookmarking: What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother
Opening: one door.
Closing: another.
Feeling: hopeful and excited.
Dreaming: of what’s to come.
Hearing: advice and tips and suggestions and plans.
Celebrating: the end of the fourth trimester and
Embracing: my mum-of-four body.
Thanks for the list, Meet Me At Mikes.
[…] I desperately want to return to my old rhythm and routine. Inspired by one of my favourite reads, Practicing Simplicity, I’m going to ease myself back into blogging with Meet Me At Mike’s wonderful writing […]
Thanks for the update, I find a regular tsking stock post helps to.