taking stock in spring

It’s been a long while since I took stock. Surprisingly, this little thinking/writing exercise helps to ground me. And I need a little of that right now. Spring busyness has me all a whirr and I’m not quite ready for the countless end-of-year activities that are fast approaching. So here’s what I’m…

Making : plans. Big ones. Exciting ones!
Cooking : tuna pasta. Because it’s Thursday and I had all the ingredients and saved myself a trip to the shops.
Drinking : mineral water and lemon.
Reading: Lab Girl and Better Than Before.
Trawling: op-shops and looking for t-shirts to wear with skirts (my go-to spring breastfeeding outfit).
Wanting: to sleep without being woken by a certain teething toddler.
Looking: at all the lovely tops and dresses in this spring clean sale.
Deciding: on what decision to make first.
Wishing: for a full night’s sleep. Unlikely, I know.
Enjoying: regular coffee catch-ups with friends.
Waiting: on Marigold’s personalised Christmas star (you can still order here and they make beautiful gifts).
Liking: pilates (my core is grateful).
Wondering: if I’ll ever get to the bottom of the washing pile.
Loving: being a mum. I don’t think I’ve ever been as content in my role as I am right now.
Pondering: what we’ll do on the weekend.
Listening: to children squabble. The witching hours are so loud.
Considering: going to the library tomorrow morning.
Buying: beeswax candles because a quiet house, darkness and flickering beeswax is the perfect way to wind down.
Watching: the Jacaranda tree. It will bloom any day now.
Hoping: to go to bed early tonight. Those hours before midnight really do make for better sleep.
Marvelling: at the sheer amount of washing I do.
Cringing: at the state of the pantry – I need to clean and sort and cook with the excess that currently sits on the shelves.
Needing: to photograph the next collection of pre-loved clothes that I’ll be selling on @simplicitymarket.
Smelling: Marigold because her newborn scent is still sweet and strong.
Wearing: milk-stained everything.
Noticing: that the mornings are so much warmer; no need for socks and slippers.
Knowing: I feel better when I don’t eat so much bread.
Trouble-shooting: nothing, I hand those job to Daniel.
Thinking: about menu planning and adding a few more vegetarian recipes onto the list.
Admiring: this t-shirt for our Almighty Girls.
Bookmarking: What Happens to a Woman’s Brain When She Becomes a Mother
Opening: one door.
Closing: another.
Feeling: hopeful and excited.
Dreaming: of what’s to come.
Hearing: advice and tips and suggestions and plans.
Celebrating: the end of the fourth trimester and
Embracing: my mum-of-four body.

Thanks for the list, Meet Me At Mikes.

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  • Liz (eight acres)

    Thanks for the update, I find a regular tsking stock post helps to.

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